~ 製造歡樂氣氛
雙子座跟射手座都是屬於傻大姊型,即使嘴巴上說沒有,可是總會忍不 住一直偷笑,行為舉止已經透露出他心情如何了,都是屬於藏不住秘密的類型,因此這兩個星座的人也許嘴巴很逞強,可是搞不好他嘴巴罵的越凶 的人正是跟他戀愛的對象。
雙子座 讓男生愛死妳的戀愛開運招式:
妳的個性一下子冷一下子熱的,妳當所有男生都喜歡洗三溫暖呀?當心有的男生無福在烤箱和冷水池裡跳來跳去。 戀愛幸福咒語: 我想要你!
雙 子 座 的 人 通 常 都 有 一 、 兩 個 顯 著 的 優 點 及 一 、 兩 個 持 大 號 的 缺 點 。 這 使 得 你 在 讚美 或 批 評 雙 子 座 時 , 都 容 易 流 於 誇 張 與 情 緒 化 。 要 得 體 地 描 述 雙 子 座 人 的 性 情 , 得花 時 間 與 他 朝 夕 相 處 , 才 能 證 據 充 分 , 一 針 見 血 。一 般 人 認 為 雙 子 座 是 雙 面 人 , 具 有 雙 重 性 格 。 這 是 因 為 一 般 人 在 觀 察 人 的 時 候 , 久缺 變 化 觀 察 角 度 的 能 力 所 致 。 一 個 「 見 人 說 人 話 , 見 鬼 說 鬼 話 」 的 雙 子 座 , 必 具 有相 當 強 的 語 言 技 巧 及 溝 通 能 力 , 他 同 時 瞭 解 人 和 鬼 , 卻 不 能 因 此 論 斷 他 是 既 人 且 鬼, 或 可 人 可 鬼 , 甚至 說 他 不 人 不 鬼 的 。 他 只 對 存 在 於 宇 宙 之 間 的 事 物 , 比 常 人 多 一分 因 好 奇 而 得 來 的 理 解 力 。 因 此 , 要 瞭 解 雙 子 座 , 你 的 好 奇 心 與 理 解 力 都 不 能 太 差。
在 俐 落 中 有 許 多 難 以 分 黟 的 層 次察 顏 觀 色 , 是 雙 子 座 人 的 看 家 本 領 。 加 上 他 的 口 才 , 他 總 是 很 快 便 能 有 效 掌 握 住 別 人 的 心 思 , 並 說 服 對 方 。雙 子 座 人 的 眉 眼 和 他 的 手 腳 一 樣 俐 落 , 但 在 俐 落 中 又 帶 著 許 多 難 以 分 黟 的 層 次 ; 剛中 帶 柔 , 細 而 不 亂 。 是 企 劃 與 管 理 部 門 不 可 多 得 的 人 才 。 而 且 他 的 執 行 能 力 亦 強 ,只 是 較 不 信 任 別 人 , 寧 可 獨 自 接 受 挑 戰 。 別 誤 會 他 是 那 種 喜 歡 攬 功 在 身 的 人 , 他 只是 欣 然 接 受 應 得 的 標 榜 罷 了 。雙 子 座 的 人 愛 名 , 但 又 不 願 浪 得 龔 名 , 他 喜 歡 自 己 成 為 別 人 心 目 中 的 「 實 力 派 」 人士 。 他 喜 歡 做 起 事 來 有 聲 有 色 , 雖 不 必 一 定 要 標 新 立 異 , 卻 也 絕 不 能 不 堅 持 自 己 的獨 特 風 格 。
他 很 高 興 遠 親 近 鄰 知 道 他 是 一 個 和 善 的 、 願 意 合 作 的 , 卻 不 會 為 了 任 何人 委 屈 自 己 , 使 自 己 看 起 來 俗 鄙 、 鄉 愿 。 求 生 意 志 與 求 勝 心 , 使 他 得 了 不 金 牌 公 開 場 合 或 桌 底 下 的 鬥 爭 , 雙 子 座 都 不 甘 居 下 風 。 只 要 有 必 要 , 明 爭 暗 鬥 , 他 來 者不 拒 。 可 是 , 他 不 認 為 爭 鬥 是 高 級 人 類 所 當 為 , 萬 一 被 扯 進 低 級 人 類 的 紛 爭 中 , 他也 絕 不 會 秀 才 被 兵 欺 ; 求 生 意 志 與 求 勝 心 , 使 雙 子 座 得 了 不 少 金 牌 。 而 你 必 須 尊 重他 那 些 金 牌 得 來 不 易 。
雙 子 座 的 人 不 惜 以 慘 痛 的 經 驗 來 取 得 寶 貴 的 教 訓 。 花 錢 買 教 訓 , 也 是 常 有 的 事 。 如果 他 在 說 服 你 的 時 候 , 搬 出 他 的 親 身 經 驗 , 而 你 仍 面 露 疑 色 或 不 馴 的 神 情 , 他 必 在結 論 奉 送 你 一 句 話 : 「 你 一 聽 老 人 言 , 吃 虧 在 眼 前 。 到 時 候 怎 麼 可 都 不 知 道 , 而 且死 有 餘 辜 哦 ! 」 他 不 想 干 涉 你 的 事 。 但 你 一 旦 已 找 上 他 訴 苦 , 他 勸 你 , 你 一 聽 , 他便 會 嚴 厲 地 為 下 一 個 可 怕 的 預 言 。 準 不 準 ? 那 要 看 你 有 多 不 聽 話 才 知 道 囉 。
好 玩 、 好 動 、 好 奇 , 講 求 共 通 性雙 子 座 的 人 , 才 情 洋 溢 , 並 具 有 強 度 的 感 染 力 。 因 為 他 們 善 於 在 遊 戲 的 氣 氛 中 , 親 近 你 , 瓦 解 你 你 的 武 裝 , 引 導 你 開 發 自 己 潛 藏 的 快 樂 的 能 力 , 使 雙 子 座 像 一 枚 跳 動 不 休 的 火 焰 , 時 強 時 弱 , 卻 永 不 熄 滅 。 他們 精 力 旺 盛 , 對 工 作 認 真 , 對 朋 友 講 情 意 , 對 事 業 野 心 勃 勃 。 但 是 他 的 情 人 , 卻 常被 他 弄 得 精 疲 力 竭 , 他 的 家 人 也 常 因 他 的 情 緒 搞 得 雞 飛 狗 跳 !
為 什 麼 呢 ? 雙 子 座 無法 忍 受 一 成 不 變 的 關 係 , 固 定 的 事 物 使 他 衰 老 得 極 快 , 也 使 他 所 愛 的 對 象 衰 老 得 極快色 衰 愛 弛 , 這 是 真 的 。 對 雙 子 座 來 說 , 精 神 就 是 色 。 也 就 是 中 國 人 所 說 的 「 氣 」 。毅 志 力 左 右 了 一 個 人 的 成 敗 , 他 要 求 自 己 , 也 要 求 別 人 。 不 過 , 並 不 是 很 死 板 ; 有時 候 他 對 自 己 會 鬆 一 點 , 對 別 人 嚴 一 點 。
曲 折 、 離 奇 的 氛 圍 中 , 雙 子 座 的 人 嗅 到 愛 的 情 的 蹤 跡 了 。 他 開 始 推 敲 , 聯 想 , 反 覆判 斷 。 他 逗 弄 你 , 溞 你 的 癢 處 , 不 會 很 快 告 訴 你 真 正 的 意 思 。 你 得 禁 得 起 他 的 撩 撥, 又 沈 得 住 氣 。 直 到 他 表 明 「 來 吧 , 攻 擊 我 」 , 你 才 可 以 真 正 行 動 。 但 別 開 心 , 他不 會 這 麼 輕 易 被 攻 陷 , 即 使 蠻 想 被 你 攻 陷 , 他 也 要 你 陪 他 「 玩 」 上 一 段 .你 很 可 能覺 得 他 在 折 磨 你 , 不 如 放 開 心 胸 , 你 搞 清 楚 人 生 如 戲 , 就 不 會 那 麼 怨 他 了 。
雙 子 座 是 最 有 趣 的 情 人 。 愛 情 的 遊 戲 , 他 百 玩 不 厭 , 並 且 花 樣 層 出 不 窮 , 你 若 不 能 與 他 一 起 享 受 這 個 類 型 的 愛 情 氣 味 , 不 如 趁 早 打 退 堂 鼓 吧 。
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Do yOu KnOw???
do u noe how many movies tat we watched from 2006 till 2008???
maybe u won noe..
but i remember tat..
last time i dislike go for movie de..
i feel sit in de cinema and watch movie for 2 hours is wasting my time and energy..
but everything had changed after tat..
after noe him i m started to like to go for movie..
we 1st time watched de movie is 'The Car'..(i forgot de date ady)
2. Bob-B-Hood (29.9.2006) - today is both of us go to watch movie together but saw my biao jie them as well so 4 of us watched together lar..hahaha..
3. Night At The Museum (28.12.2006) - today really is both of us went to watch movie together lar..hihihi..
4. Norbit (22.2.2007) - tis is de movie tat i wished to watch long time ago finally can watch ady..very fun leh..
5. Just Follow The Law (4.4.2007) - tis is we went with my frens them de..today i got worked leh..is he went to buy de tickets for us in d afternoon then at nite we onli went together de..traffic jam tat time so we late abt 30min onli enter de cinema..thx god he bought de ticket ady..hahaha..
6. Spiderman 3 (5.5.2007) - today is we become couple leh..then we went to midvalley watched movie..he watched tis b4 but he accompany me to watch again..hahaha..
7. 200 Pounds (16.62007) - tmr is my birthday leh but he today brought me to watch tis movie coz i like tis ma..hihihi..after watched movie at nite he celebrate birthday with me as well as my frens them..so happy!!!
8. Simpsons (4.8.2007) - tis one nothing special thing happen..hihihi..juz feel de cartoon cute and meaningful..
9. R-Hour 3 (12.8.2007) - hahaha..tis one very funny de coz i sit at wrong seat and tat seat is my fren (ken) his seat..he went with his gf..so ngam can meet in de cinema..
10. Ratatooee (17.8.2007) - 1st time bring my 2 sisters go for movie with him..hahaha..my sisters very like de movie..
11. Nobita Dinasour 2006 (21.9.2007) - whole cinema juz both of us watched de movie onli..feel weird leh..
12. Resident Evil (8.10.2007) - 1st time go for movie with him and his classmates (U1 gang)..hahaha..
13. Magic-G (11.10.2007) - nothing special happen..
14. Bee Movie (11.11.2007) - he bought de bee movie package (popcorn with bee bottle), de bottle is he want to give his brother de..hihihi..
15. Enchanted (30.11.2007) - i want to watch tis movie long time ago..we went to cinema twice onli got de ticket coz 1st time sold out ady..tat time i m very angry oo..pity him also..then he brought me to eat mam mam..delicious leh..hihihi..
tis year got watched 2 movies (Rambo 4 and Kung Fu Dunk) but tat time our relationship not tat gud ady lor..
we total watched liao 17 movies leh..
so geng leh..
i want to watch de movies,he also will bring me to there..
sometimes if cant buy de ticket i will angry him lar but at last also got watched arr..
very happy leh..
thx ya..
do u noe how many movies tat we watched from 2006 till 2008???
maybe u won noe..
but i remember tat..
last time i dislike go for movie de..
i feel sit in de cinema and watch movie for 2 hours is wasting my time and energy..
but everything had changed after tat..
after noe him i m started to like to go for movie..
we 1st time watched de movie is 'The Car'..(i forgot de date ady)
2. Bob-B-Hood (29.9.2006) - today is both of us go to watch movie together but saw my biao jie them as well so 4 of us watched together lar..hahaha..
3. Night At The Museum (28.12.2006) - today really is both of us went to watch movie together lar..hihihi..
4. Norbit (22.2.2007) - tis is de movie tat i wished to watch long time ago finally can watch ady..very fun leh..
5. Just Follow The Law (4.4.2007) - tis is we went with my frens them de..today i got worked leh..is he went to buy de tickets for us in d afternoon then at nite we onli went together de..traffic jam tat time so we late abt 30min onli enter de cinema..thx god he bought de ticket ady..hahaha..
6. Spiderman 3 (5.5.2007) - today is we become couple leh..then we went to midvalley watched movie..he watched tis b4 but he accompany me to watch again..hahaha..
7. 200 Pounds (16.62007) - tmr is my birthday leh but he today brought me to watch tis movie coz i like tis ma..hihihi..after watched movie at nite he celebrate birthday with me as well as my frens them..so happy!!!
8. Simpsons (4.8.2007) - tis one nothing special thing happen..hihihi..juz feel de cartoon cute and meaningful..
9. R-Hour 3 (12.8.2007) - hahaha..tis one very funny de coz i sit at wrong seat and tat seat is my fren (ken) his seat..he went with his gf..so ngam can meet in de cinema..
10. Ratatooee (17.8.2007) - 1st time bring my 2 sisters go for movie with him..hahaha..my sisters very like de movie..
11. Nobita Dinasour 2006 (21.9.2007) - whole cinema juz both of us watched de movie onli..feel weird leh..
12. Resident Evil (8.10.2007) - 1st time go for movie with him and his classmates (U1 gang)..hahaha..
13. Magic-G (11.10.2007) - nothing special happen..
14. Bee Movie (11.11.2007) - he bought de bee movie package (popcorn with bee bottle), de bottle is he want to give his brother de..hihihi..
15. Enchanted (30.11.2007) - i want to watch tis movie long time ago..we went to cinema twice onli got de ticket coz 1st time sold out ady..tat time i m very angry oo..pity him also..then he brought me to eat mam mam..delicious leh..hihihi..
tis year got watched 2 movies (Rambo 4 and Kung Fu Dunk) but tat time our relationship not tat gud ady lor..
we total watched liao 17 movies leh..
so geng leh..
i want to watch de movies,he also will bring me to there..
sometimes if cant buy de ticket i will angry him lar but at last also got watched arr..
very happy leh..
thx ya..
yesterday after go sing k with my frens them then i went back to tbr..
my second house..
when i reached there,nobody at home also oo..(coz all my housemates are working)
then i m alone at home tat time..
i put all my things well in cupboard then take a bath and waiting them come back..
nothing to do also then i went to take last few month de newspaper and play sudoku..
but boring also after done it so i go to sleep a while but cant sleep leh..
until 7pm something still nobody coming back yet then i sms them and asked where r them..
alone really sad de lor..
around 7.30pm they came back ady lar..
then we go to eat dinner + yan cha together lor..
very shuang leh..
i said with ewen many many things oo..
abt how i treat my bf last time..
we chat a lot a lot until i feel don1 to so fast go home leh..
around 10.30pm then both of us went back lar..
reached home then i continue chat with house leader..
i chat de same thing with her also leh..
dunno y i like to talk abt de past..
but memorable leh..
i won forget de..
and i noe i still cant put down him..
after chat with her,i feel she also tired ady so i asked her go to sleep 1st then again..
i go and chat with ewen and yuan..
talk talk talk..
talk till 2am then we onli sleep leh..
yesterday i go back there seems juz talk onli leh..
coz almost one month din meet each other ma..
so miss them..
house leader get shock when c my new hairstyle but she said nice wor..
actually my housemates all very care me de leh..
so touch to have them..
nowadays i m be more positive thinking..
i juz think abt de sweet memories..
won forget..
shuang arr..
told them how we passed last time..
they said i m change a lot ady..
unlike last time juz always cry..
now my face always with a broad smile lar..
but one more thing have to mention..
until today i still very like him..
really de..
he is very gud and i love his family as well..
my second house..
when i reached there,nobody at home also oo..(coz all my housemates are working)
then i m alone at home tat time..
i put all my things well in cupboard then take a bath and waiting them come back..
nothing to do also then i went to take last few month de newspaper and play sudoku..
but boring also after done it so i go to sleep a while but cant sleep leh..
until 7pm something still nobody coming back yet then i sms them and asked where r them..
alone really sad de lor..
around 7.30pm they came back ady lar..
then we go to eat dinner + yan cha together lor..
very shuang leh..
i said with ewen many many things oo..
abt how i treat my bf last time..
we chat a lot a lot until i feel don1 to so fast go home leh..
around 10.30pm then both of us went back lar..
reached home then i continue chat with house leader..
i chat de same thing with her also leh..
dunno y i like to talk abt de past..
but memorable leh..
i won forget de..
and i noe i still cant put down him..
after chat with her,i feel she also tired ady so i asked her go to sleep 1st then again..
i go and chat with ewen and yuan..
talk talk talk..
talk till 2am then we onli sleep leh..
yesterday i go back there seems juz talk onli leh..
coz almost one month din meet each other ma..
so miss them..
house leader get shock when c my new hairstyle but she said nice wor..
actually my housemates all very care me de leh..
so touch to have them..
nowadays i m be more positive thinking..
i juz think abt de sweet memories..
won forget..
shuang arr..
told them how we passed last time..
they said i m change a lot ady..
unlike last time juz always cry..
now my face always with a broad smile lar..
but one more thing have to mention..
until today i still very like him..
really de..
he is very gud and i love his family as well..
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
today so boring oo..
juz stay at home online onli..
afternoon time still ok coz got fren chat with me..
is junn munn..
today i told him a lot of my sweet memories err..
share with him ma..
he said me nowadays more towards positive thinking ady..
coz now i m juz thinking tat sweet memories..
sad de i forgot ady lor..
he said:今天上了一场恋爱补习班,也重新认识了一个可以付托终生的好朋友..
coz i share my love story with him..
now me like teacher ady leh..
although i be nursery teacher b4 lar..
maybe after tis jiu seldom got write blog ady lor..
juz special incident happen then onli i come and write and share with u guys..
my back very pain~
dunno wat happen again..
but is small matter..
maybe sit in front pc too long ady..
tmr wanna go back tbr lor..
then have a long chat with housemates them lar..
they sure got a lot of things want to share with me too..
wait me ya..
i will be back tmr de lar..
juz stay at home online onli..
afternoon time still ok coz got fren chat with me..
is junn munn..
today i told him a lot of my sweet memories err..
share with him ma..
he said me nowadays more towards positive thinking ady..
coz now i m juz thinking tat sweet memories..
sad de i forgot ady lor..
he said:今天上了一场恋爱补习班,也重新认识了一个可以付托终生的好朋友..
coz i share my love story with him..
now me like teacher ady leh..
although i be nursery teacher b4 lar..
maybe after tis jiu seldom got write blog ady lor..
juz special incident happen then onli i come and write and share with u guys..
my back very pain~
dunno wat happen again..
but is small matter..
maybe sit in front pc too long ady..
tmr wanna go back tbr lor..
then have a long chat with housemates them lar..
they sure got a lot of things want to share with me too..
wait me ya..
i will be back tmr de lar..
Sunday, February 24, 2008
HapPy GaThERiNg...
today very fun oo..
although not all members can attend..
but still very lively and fun..
in d afternoon,we went to sunway pyramid sushi zanmai ate japanese food..
it is yummy and delicious..
we ordered a lot of food..
besides tat,we also kacau those waiters and waitress..
one of them very handsome de..
we keep asking him came from where??then noe how to speak mandarin or not..
he very shy and pai seh at tat time oo..
he said he came from mongolia and noe speak abit mandarin and cantonese..
we keep asking him to come and serve us..
each every waiter and waitress enter our room,we also kacau a while..
then we chat a lot many funny things and make many noise oo..
everything we also can chat leh..
we somemore kutuk each other leh..
after tat we went to our 6s class teacher's house..
our teacher still remember us leh..
very happy..
we also chat a lot things at there include when in primary school,how naughty we are..
and then how abt others in class..
we stay at there until 8pm then onli come back..
today really fun oo..
hope next time gathering all can attend..
wish ai ying all de best at russia..
today very fun oo..
although not all members can attend..
but still very lively and fun..
in d afternoon,we went to sunway pyramid sushi zanmai ate japanese food..
it is yummy and delicious..
we ordered a lot of food..
besides tat,we also kacau those waiters and waitress..
one of them very handsome de..
we keep asking him came from where??then noe how to speak mandarin or not..
he very shy and pai seh at tat time oo..
he said he came from mongolia and noe speak abit mandarin and cantonese..
we keep asking him to come and serve us..
each every waiter and waitress enter our room,we also kacau a while..
then we chat a lot many funny things and make many noise oo..
everything we also can chat leh..
we somemore kutuk each other leh..
after tat we went to our 6s class teacher's house..
our teacher still remember us leh..
very happy..
we also chat a lot things at there include when in primary school,how naughty we are..
and then how abt others in class..
we stay at there until 8pm then onli come back..
today really fun oo..
hope next time gathering all can attend..
wish ai ying all de best at russia..
Saturday, February 23, 2008
CuTe AnGeLiNe + pAiN!!!..
yesterday went to my neighbour's house..
chat with my auntie and played with baby angeline..
angeline is so cute!!!
she like to 'fang dian' to ppl de..
don see her still small but she is a small 'leng lui' leh..
love her so much..
she called me jie jie de time so sweet..
angeline so cute leh..
now holiday everyday can see her but when i back to tbr then jiu seldom see her lor..
stand up and walk arr..
don so lazy oo..
coz nothing to do at home ady so jiu go play with her and chat with my auntie..
she asked me where is my bf..
i said break up ady lor..
she said:nvm lar u still young got chance de..
who noe in future if got yuan fen then will together again de arr..
now be fren 1st lor..
i said yalor..
now we still fren..
but not tat close as last time leh..
auntie still got asked me sad or not..
i said sure sad lar but now still ok abit lar..
b4 tat really sad until thin ady..
have to be brave to face problem..
gambateh yo..
my left foot dunno y very pain at nite..
maybe last time terseliuh at TARC then i din go to check ba..
now start pain ady..
later want to go out ady lor..
hope my leg don pain again if not go out also not fun leh..
today is a farewell gathering..
is last time meet b4 they go to oversea..
next time meet maybe is several years later..
take care my frens..
i will miss u all de..
chat with my auntie and played with baby angeline..
angeline is so cute!!!
she like to 'fang dian' to ppl de..
don see her still small but she is a small 'leng lui' leh..
love her so much..
she called me jie jie de time so sweet..
angeline so cute leh..
now holiday everyday can see her but when i back to tbr then jiu seldom see her lor..
stand up and walk arr..
don so lazy oo..
coz nothing to do at home ady so jiu go play with her and chat with my auntie..
she asked me where is my bf..
i said break up ady lor..
she said:nvm lar u still young got chance de..
who noe in future if got yuan fen then will together again de arr..
now be fren 1st lor..
i said yalor..
now we still fren..
but not tat close as last time leh..
auntie still got asked me sad or not..
i said sure sad lar but now still ok abit lar..
b4 tat really sad until thin ady..
have to be brave to face problem..
gambateh yo..
my left foot dunno y very pain at nite..
maybe last time terseliuh at TARC then i din go to check ba..
now start pain ady..
later want to go out ady lor..
hope my leg don pain again if not go out also not fun leh..
today is a farewell gathering..
is last time meet b4 they go to oversea..
next time meet maybe is several years later..
take care my frens..
i will miss u all de..
Friday, February 22, 2008
CaNt zZZ....
yesterday nite took many many pics with mei mei leh..
very fun..
coz i like to take pic ma..
my panda eyes vey serious ady leh..
but every nite dunno y cant sleep de leh..
juz like yesterday,alr very late liao still cant sleep oo..
then hor those naughty nyamuk keep biting me leh..
i m alr covered myself with 2 blankets but they can enter also..
make me cant sleep whole nite..
then today woke up earlier in de morning coz mama want to go out ady..
asked me to jaga my house..
got abit tiring leh..
plz let me sleep lar my lovely nyamuk..
if not my panda eyes gatting more serious oo..
hope tonite can sleep well coz tmr want to go out with my lou yao them lar..
very fun..
coz i like to take pic ma..
my panda eyes vey serious ady leh..
but every nite dunno y cant sleep de leh..
juz like yesterday,alr very late liao still cant sleep oo..
then hor those naughty nyamuk keep biting me leh..
i m alr covered myself with 2 blankets but they can enter also..
make me cant sleep whole nite..
then today woke up earlier in de morning coz mama want to go out ady..
asked me to jaga my house..
got abit tiring leh..
plz let me sleep lar my lovely nyamuk..
if not my panda eyes gatting more serious oo..
hope tonite can sleep well coz tmr want to go out with my lou yao them lar..
today quite happy oo..
coz i take manisan to auntie them drink..
she treat me so gud,i have to bring something to treat her de..
hope tis time de manisan is gang gang hao..
won too sweet..
auntie last time always so care me,treat her eat is normal de..
hope she like it lar..
and then afternoon chat with junn munn..
he is my best fren since primary school..
we chat many abt last time in primary school happened de things..
very funny leh..
time passed very fast..
sekelip mata some of them got to go oversea liao..
we chat a lot oo..
last time both of us diam diam de..
but since gathering then we got topic to chat liao lar..
maybe i m talkative ma..
like to 8 many things..
but my mouth de ulser make me not feeling well..
when eating i bite it twice ady until blooding..
but now is ok ady lar..
juz a small matter..
today quite happy oo..
coz i take manisan to auntie them drink..
she treat me so gud,i have to bring something to treat her de..
hope tis time de manisan is gang gang hao..
won too sweet..
auntie last time always so care me,treat her eat is normal de..
hope she like it lar..
and then afternoon chat with junn munn..
he is my best fren since primary school..
we chat many abt last time in primary school happened de things..
very funny leh..
time passed very fast..
sekelip mata some of them got to go oversea liao..
we chat a lot oo..
last time both of us diam diam de..
but since gathering then we got topic to chat liao lar..
maybe i m talkative ma..
like to 8 many things..
but my mouth de ulser make me not feeling well..
when eating i bite it twice ady until blooding..
but now is ok ady lar..
juz a small matter..
Thursday, February 21, 2008
HaNDpHoNe + LicEnSe
today i realized tat handphone and license are very important..
in de morning,mama asked me accompany her go to bank..
she asked me to wait in de car coz she don1 to pay for parking..
suddenly got one uncle came and knocked de car window and asked me to reverse my car..
i dunno drive de leh..
then i asked him to wait a while..
i think he is rushing time..
he asked me open car..
i was shock at tat moment coz thought he want to do wat ma..
act i juz scare myself onli..
he helped me to reverse de car so tat his car can move out from parking ma..
tat time very pai seh de lor..
then i din bring handphone out oo coz now seldom use ma..
so cant call mama to reverse her car somemore impossible i leave de car there and walk in bank..
now i finally tat both of tis very important leh..
nvm got chance i will go learn car de..
at 1st have to overcome my road phobia..
many ppl laughing at me leh,so big liao still scare everything..
one day u will see me drive on de road and waving at u de..
tis is my dream..
jia you oo..
today i realized tat handphone and license are very important..
in de morning,mama asked me accompany her go to bank..
she asked me to wait in de car coz she don1 to pay for parking..
suddenly got one uncle came and knocked de car window and asked me to reverse my car..
i dunno drive de leh..
then i asked him to wait a while..
i think he is rushing time..
he asked me open car..
i was shock at tat moment coz thought he want to do wat ma..
act i juz scare myself onli..
he helped me to reverse de car so tat his car can move out from parking ma..
tat time very pai seh de lor..
then i din bring handphone out oo coz now seldom use ma..
so cant call mama to reverse her car somemore impossible i leave de car there and walk in bank..
now i finally tat both of tis very important leh..
nvm got chance i will go learn car de..
at 1st have to overcome my road phobia..
many ppl laughing at me leh,so big liao still scare everything..
one day u will see me drive on de road and waving at u de..
tis is my dream..
jia you oo..
HoW Do U THinK BoUt ME??
how do u think abt me?
tat day i asked junn munn,he said me 态度认真,平易近人,单纯 oo..
单纯 is how arr??
and then juz can use 4 words to describe tat is 邻家小妹..
very funny leh..
coz he compare me with others ma..
to all my fellow frens..
can u tell me how do u think abt my personality??
gud and bad also can de..
coz nid to improve myself ma..
to become better..
if say bad abt me also nvm de..
at least i noe wat should i improve..
thx a lot lor..
thx for co-operation as well..
how do u think abt me?
tat day i asked junn munn,he said me 态度认真,平易近人,单纯 oo..
单纯 is how arr??
and then juz can use 4 words to describe tat is 邻家小妹..
very funny leh..
coz he compare me with others ma..
to all my fellow frens..
can u tell me how do u think abt my personality??
gud and bad also can de..
coz nid to improve myself ma..
to become better..
if say bad abt me also nvm de..
at least i noe wat should i improve..
thx a lot lor..
thx for co-operation as well..
New LiFE
many ppl said my blog so sad oo..
so i have to post some happy thing ady lar..
so fast after next week my 3rd sem will start lor..
so excited leh..
coz can go to TAR study liao ma..
must gambateh oo..
many ppl said my blog so sad oo..
so i have to post some happy thing ady lar..
so fast after next week my 3rd sem will start lor..
so excited leh..
coz can go to TAR study liao ma..
must gambateh oo..
So MiSs You..
i am so miss u..
do u noe tat?
maybe u dunno..
but i really cant forget u..
everyday b4 sleep i also will think of u and de time we together..
maybe nowadayds u r very happy and enjoy ur life..
i m enjoy too but still feel something has lose..
i m really miss u..
now u alr no sms me anymore even in msn we juz chat a while onli..
we from couple become like stranger..
juz like back to we dunno each other de time..
i miss de time tat u care me..
i miss de time tat u hold my hand..
i miss de time tat u bring me to ur house and then chat with ur mama them..
i miss de time tat we together..
i really miss it..
maybe i nid time to put down de relationship,but for de time being i cant do it..
do u noe tat?
maybe u dunno..
but i really cant forget u..
everyday b4 sleep i also will think of u and de time we together..
maybe nowadayds u r very happy and enjoy ur life..
i m enjoy too but still feel something has lose..
i m really miss u..
now u alr no sms me anymore even in msn we juz chat a while onli..
we from couple become like stranger..
juz like back to we dunno each other de time..
i miss de time tat u care me..
i miss de time tat u hold my hand..
i miss de time tat u bring me to ur house and then chat with ur mama them..
i miss de time tat we together..
i really miss it..
maybe i nid time to put down de relationship,but for de time being i cant do it..
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
My LovELy 'LoU YAo gEi'
i love my best frens very very much oo..
they are my best frens since primary school till now..
we still always keep in touch de..
all of them very care me oo..
some of them want to go oversea study liao err..
bu she de them oo..
To Hao Sheng:
u and ai ying want to go to russia continue study lor..
at there have to always remember us arr..
don forget to call us for yam cha when u come back to Malaysia oo..
u go there for 7 years leh..
after 7 years,we have to call u Dr.Teh lor..
add oil lor..
To Shi Ying:
my leng lui ji mui..
u become prettier and prettier leh..
my frens all said u very cute and nice oo..
u also wanna to enter university ady..
at Penang have to take care urself..
got anything juz sms me tell me lar..
i can help u de..
To Junn Munn:
hey bro..
u also want to go singapore study soon lor..
also have to take care urself oo..
always keep in touch arr..
don forget abt us leh..
if not when u back,i will kok ur head..
juz kidding..
last time u also diam diam de..
nowadays we got chat a lot liao lar..
+ u oo..
To Kee Kai:
u also want to go shanghai liao tim..
somemore for 4 years leh..
last time me also after 4 years onli meet u oo..
same thing-don forget us..
gambateh ya..
To Pik Wen:
u still very cute like last time leh..
u also want to go singapore lor..
jia you oo..
all want to go oversea for so many years oo..
next time gathering juz leave a few of us onli..
but nvm i believe tat although they at oversea but their heart still got us one rite???
after few years we all still can gather again de..
hey buddy..
whenever u go also have to remember tat Malaysia still got us oo..
all graduate with distinction ya..
*if leave anyone then very pai seh har..
i love my best frens very very much oo..
they are my best frens since primary school till now..
we still always keep in touch de..
all of them very care me oo..
some of them want to go oversea study liao err..
bu she de them oo..
To Hao Sheng:
u and ai ying want to go to russia continue study lor..
at there have to always remember us arr..
don forget to call us for yam cha when u come back to Malaysia oo..
u go there for 7 years leh..
after 7 years,we have to call u Dr.Teh lor..
add oil lor..
To Shi Ying:
my leng lui ji mui..
u become prettier and prettier leh..
my frens all said u very cute and nice oo..
u also wanna to enter university ady..
at Penang have to take care urself..
got anything juz sms me tell me lar..
i can help u de..
To Junn Munn:
hey bro..
u also want to go singapore study soon lor..
also have to take care urself oo..
always keep in touch arr..
don forget abt us leh..
if not when u back,i will kok ur head..
juz kidding..
last time u also diam diam de..
nowadays we got chat a lot liao lar..
+ u oo..
To Kee Kai:
u also want to go shanghai liao tim..
somemore for 4 years leh..
last time me also after 4 years onli meet u oo..
same thing-don forget us..
gambateh ya..
To Pik Wen:
u still very cute like last time leh..
u also want to go singapore lor..
jia you oo..
all want to go oversea for so many years oo..
next time gathering juz leave a few of us onli..
but nvm i believe tat although they at oversea but their heart still got us one rite???
after few years we all still can gather again de..
hey buddy..
whenever u go also have to remember tat Malaysia still got us oo..
all graduate with distinction ya..
*if leave anyone then very pai seh har..
ThX all of u DIT 1 GaNg!!
want to thx all of u tat attend key's birthday..
ur attendance make de party successful..
1st want to thx a ben coz he help me a lot in organizing tis party..
i keep calling him to do tis and tat coz i hope to give him a big suprise..
a ben still laugh me tat still early lar no nid so worry de..
still said me can be director liao wor..
where got lar..
thx u oo..
also want thx gorilla leh..
he always give me advice when de time i m facing relationship problem..
he keep telling me tat don give up..
be patient..
everything will be fine..
at last also break up liao arr..
but still can be fren de..
a goh also treat me so gud oo..
tat day at neway cry liao also is he help me to cover de..
if not very malu de leh..
ppl all go sing k then i cry..
still got others also very treat me very gud..
u guys are my frens oo..
don forget me arr..
we still got chance meet at TARC de..
everybody must add oil in study oo..
at last..
thx to all of u tat help me when i face problem tat time..
want to thx all of u tat attend key's birthday..
ur attendance make de party successful..
1st want to thx a ben coz he help me a lot in organizing tis party..
i keep calling him to do tis and tat coz i hope to give him a big suprise..
a ben still laugh me tat still early lar no nid so worry de..
still said me can be director liao wor..
where got lar..
thx u oo..
also want thx gorilla leh..
he always give me advice when de time i m facing relationship problem..
he keep telling me tat don give up..
be patient..
everything will be fine..
at last also break up liao arr..
but still can be fren de..
a goh also treat me so gud oo..
tat day at neway cry liao also is he help me to cover de..
if not very malu de leh..
ppl all go sing k then i cry..
still got others also very treat me very gud..
u guys are my frens oo..
don forget me arr..
we still got chance meet at TARC de..
everybody must add oil in study oo..
at last..
thx to all of u tat help me when i face problem tat time..
SpeCial FoR You..
u may not read my blog but i juz want to say something to u..
u r de perfect boy tat i met in my life..
u don have any bad habit also..
we now be fren also gud for u n me..
coz u can have enough freedom..
i m so sori tat i treat u so bad last time..
but now everything is become a fact..
i still remember how we noe each other last time..
we act noe each other since primary school..
but never talk b4..
so funny!!!
during form 5,i m wondering want to be prefect or not,u advice me to do it coz u also will be prefect as well..
at 1st i don1 to be prefect coz got other reason but finally i become it for one year..
start tat time,we become closer snd closer..
when u go for compotition,after u won de prize,u quickly told me de success through msg at nite..
tat time we juz a normal fren..
u 1st got the licence,i m de 1st gal tat u fetch..(i means except his family lar..)
everytime after tuition also is u fetch me home..
slowly we from normal fren to best fren and on 5th of May 2007 we become couple..
we always together go to TAR study then eat lunch together..
whenever u go,u also will bring me along..
tat's y i can noe ur frens...
u bring me to shopping and countdown with them together..
very fun!!!!
tat time many ppl also jealous us and i proud of u and myself also coz got a gud bf..
but i really dunno tat i have did a big and serious mistake..
tat is act i control u too tite until u cant breath..
i always think tat wat i do for u is gud for u..
but i never think abt ur feel..
one day,i scold u seriously..
tat moment everything is d end..
our relationship also end at tat moment and i did not realize it also..
until 5th of Jan 2008(we together for 8 months) then i feel tat something is going wrong ady..
u treat me unlike last time,u become very cool and not tat want to talk with me..
i keep asking u is tat u dislike me but u ignore..
finally u told me de truth..
i m going to crazy tat time when i heard it..
why suddenly will become like tat???
i keep asking myself..
u act alr no feel at me but u scare to hurt me so u not dare to make de decision..
u scare i will go and commit suicide..
i won do tat de but y???
y we will from couple become fren???
u asked me to give u time to think abt tat..
but u cant guarantee tat we will together again..
so i decide for u..
i agree with ur choice tat we become fren..
b4 do tis decision,i nid a lot of braveness..
i noe tat once i said tat then de relationship will end forever..
but i cant accept u treat me so cool and i m very sad when i noe tat u act very fan with tis thing..
lastly i told u tat we juz end ba..
maybe become fren will be better..
and u also happy with tat decision..
i thought we can together forever bcoz i noe tat u are a gud boy..
nvm lar..
also hope u happy de..
act we break up still got another reason..
is my religion..
tat is a big problem..
don say abt the sad thing ady..
i m very happy tat u are my bf b4..
also thx u coz take care me so well..
u also noe tat i m very careless one..
then u always encourage and geve me advice..
now i have to learn be independent lor..
coz u are not beside me anymore..
don worry..
i will take care myself de coz i noe u also hope me live happily and take care myself well rite??
also happy coz can noe ur family..
they treat me very gud also..
although i m not ur gf but ur mama still treat me very gud until i feel touch also..
thx a lot tat u have given me..
i will appreciate it..
u are de best!!!!
i will remembr those sweet memories tat we together..
u r de perfect boy tat i met in my life..
u don have any bad habit also..
we now be fren also gud for u n me..
coz u can have enough freedom..
i m so sori tat i treat u so bad last time..
but now everything is become a fact..
i still remember how we noe each other last time..
we act noe each other since primary school..
but never talk b4..
so funny!!!
during form 5,i m wondering want to be prefect or not,u advice me to do it coz u also will be prefect as well..
at 1st i don1 to be prefect coz got other reason but finally i become it for one year..
start tat time,we become closer snd closer..
when u go for compotition,after u won de prize,u quickly told me de success through msg at nite..
tat time we juz a normal fren..
u 1st got the licence,i m de 1st gal tat u fetch..(i means except his family lar..)
everytime after tuition also is u fetch me home..
slowly we from normal fren to best fren and on 5th of May 2007 we become couple..
we always together go to TAR study then eat lunch together..
whenever u go,u also will bring me along..
tat's y i can noe ur frens...
u bring me to shopping and countdown with them together..
very fun!!!!
tat time many ppl also jealous us and i proud of u and myself also coz got a gud bf..
but i really dunno tat i have did a big and serious mistake..
tat is act i control u too tite until u cant breath..
i always think tat wat i do for u is gud for u..
but i never think abt ur feel..
one day,i scold u seriously..
tat moment everything is d end..
our relationship also end at tat moment and i did not realize it also..
until 5th of Jan 2008(we together for 8 months) then i feel tat something is going wrong ady..
u treat me unlike last time,u become very cool and not tat want to talk with me..
i keep asking u is tat u dislike me but u ignore..
finally u told me de truth..
i m going to crazy tat time when i heard it..
why suddenly will become like tat???
i keep asking myself..
u act alr no feel at me but u scare to hurt me so u not dare to make de decision..
u scare i will go and commit suicide..
i won do tat de but y???
y we will from couple become fren???
u asked me to give u time to think abt tat..
but u cant guarantee tat we will together again..
so i decide for u..
i agree with ur choice tat we become fren..
b4 do tis decision,i nid a lot of braveness..
i noe tat once i said tat then de relationship will end forever..
but i cant accept u treat me so cool and i m very sad when i noe tat u act very fan with tis thing..
lastly i told u tat we juz end ba..
maybe become fren will be better..
and u also happy with tat decision..
i thought we can together forever bcoz i noe tat u are a gud boy..
nvm lar..
also hope u happy de..
act we break up still got another reason..
is my religion..
tat is a big problem..
don say abt the sad thing ady..
i m very happy tat u are my bf b4..
also thx u coz take care me so well..
u also noe tat i m very careless one..
then u always encourage and geve me advice..
now i have to learn be independent lor..
coz u are not beside me anymore..
don worry..
i will take care myself de coz i noe u also hope me live happily and take care myself well rite??
also happy coz can noe ur family..
they treat me very gud also..
although i m not ur gf but ur mama still treat me very gud until i feel touch also..
thx a lot tat u have given me..
i will appreciate it..
u are de best!!!!
i will remembr those sweet memories tat we together..
Happy CNY!!!
tis year chinese new year,i do not have a strong feel to celebrate it..
maybe something has changed make me not tat excited to celebrate it..
at hometown,cousins them all gambling and i juz sitting at there to watch them playing..
i am very lonely at tat moment..
ppl all have a broad smile on their face but i m not..
i thought tat tis year can celebrate happily but i don have tat chance to do so..
everyday i will bz sms with him non stop till sometimes my relatives will said me geng!!
coz while sms then can do others at de same time..
last year or de year b4 yes,i can do tat..
but tis year no more..
my phone remain silence till i cant believe tat i can live without sms..
my cny juz passed like tat..
nothing special..
maybe something has changed make me not tat excited to celebrate it..
at hometown,cousins them all gambling and i juz sitting at there to watch them playing..
i am very lonely at tat moment..
ppl all have a broad smile on their face but i m not..
i thought tat tis year can celebrate happily but i don have tat chance to do so..
everyday i will bz sms with him non stop till sometimes my relatives will said me geng!!
coz while sms then can do others at de same time..
last year or de year b4 yes,i can do tat..
but tis year no more..
my phone remain silence till i cant believe tat i can live without sms..
my cny juz passed like tat..
nothing special..
My 1st Blog..
today juz sign in a new blog..
juz want to share my feelings with frens..
can give me comment to support me oo..
last time always read fren's blog..
now is my turn to write my own blog..
actually nothing can say abt..
juz talk abt how i pass my holiday within tis month lar..
today juz sign in a new blog..
juz want to share my feelings with frens..
can give me comment to support me oo..
last time always read fren's blog..
now is my turn to write my own blog..
actually nothing can say abt..
juz talk abt how i pass my holiday within tis month lar..
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